OpenRail Overhead Line Designer Help

Drop Tube

Ribbon: Catenary Design > Cross Span

A head span drop tube can be inserted only into an existing head span wire. Head span drop tubes will be symbolized by a circle in the layout plan.

A head span drop tube will be defined by its position and the allocation to a head span wire.


Creation of a Head Span Drop Tube.


  1. Run the Create Head Span Drop Tube function.
  2. Select the head span, where the head span drop tube should be attached to.
  3. Insert the position, where the head span drop tube should be attached.
  4. Run the Create Head Span Drop Tube function.


Sicat Master creates a new head span drop tube and saves the data in the database. The drawing area will be updated automatically.

Note: Creating a head span drop tube always leads to a division of the cross span wire segment at the position of the drop tube. Then as an output two cross span wire segments will be created. These segments will be separated by drop tube and pole. In both cross span wire segments a separate height relation base has to be given.